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Mostrando postagens de janeiro, 2020

Left Monteirism

Left monteirism is a current of monteirism, which is characterized by criticizing both the major gods and humans, opposing both the major gods and humans. Being a current created by Guilherme Monteiro Jr himself, left-wing monteirism makes a very critical analysis of the major gods and humans, considering the major gods, ranging from mythological gods, to powerful gods to powerful entities and powerful mystical beings, as being ignoretionists, opportunists and oppressors, and humans, ranging from narcissists to businessmen, bourgeois, reactionaries, capitalists, liberals, neoliberais, materialists and awtokists , as oppressors or opportunists. Leftist mountaineering also tells that the minor gods / demigods, as psychics, sensitive and empathic, were cowardly abandoned by the major gods and left them to suffer at the hands of humans, recognizing that the minor gods / demigods are unable to defend themselves, as a result, left-wing monteirismo proposes that minor gods / demigods come to


Ishtarism (or Ishtarianism) is a spiritual, religious and philosophical doctrine based on the cult of the goddess Ishtar, Ishtarism defends the rapid spiritual evolution of people and the increase of love between people. Ishtarism also advocates the rapid implantation of psionicism-extraphysicism, in Ishtarism, the psychics and sensitives are the priests of the goddess Ishtar and the administrators of the Ishtarist society.


Kalism (or kalianism) is a spiritual, religious and philosophical doctrine, based on the cult of the goddess Kali. Kalism defends the cult of the goddess kali, along with the physical and spiritual evolution of people, and there is also the presence of psionicism-extraphysicism with Indian characteristics, Kalism advocates that psionicism-extraphysicalism must be implemented in order to accompany the physical and spiritual evolution of people, in Kalism, the psychics and sensitives are the priests of the goddess Kali and the administrators of Kalist society.


National-materialism (NatMaterial / NazMaterial) is a political ideology that consists of a set of materialist and right-wing ideas that aim to combat spiritualism, religions, spirituality, occultism, monterism, leftism, socialism, communism, extraphysicism, psionicism, empathism and psychism. National-materialism is characterized by the defense of neo-atheism, transhumanism and capitalism, as well as the fight against non-violence and any form of deviolentization. National-materialism also defends a state that works to maintain capitalism and that sustains / subsidizes companies, mainly polluting companies, transhumanist companies, violent / offensive / controversial videogame companies, violent / offensive / controversial media companies and that also supports / subsidizes atheist / neo-atheist organizations and far right-wing groups, right-wing groups, liberal / neoliberal groups, anti-left groups and anti-communist groups. In the presence of a nationalist state, which persecutes


Beckertism is a term used to refer to a Monteirist methodology, created by Heiko Beckert, which consists of using the media and video games to spread monteirism in society.  Beckertism also argues that deviolentization should be partial, valid only for content that is really discriminatory and offensive, as well as that the implementation of extra-physicalism should be focused on the individual / being, leaving no one behind and respecting the free will of individuals /  beings as much as possible.  Beckertism also argues that the gods, minor (empathic, psychic, sensitive and mystical beings) and major (mythological gods), should unite and govern the world democratically, with the presence of a multiparty system of minor and major gods,  differing from monteirism, because monteirism defends a single party with several factions of major and minor gods in the same party.


National-Jainism (NatJain / NazJain) is a political ideology, which unites nationalism / third position with Jainism, defending a Jainist / spiritual and non-violent society with a nationalist and totalitarian state, which must fight against any kind of violence that may happen, either by society, by the media, by video games or by the state itself, national-Jainism also defends that deviolentization should be done in its most radical form, eliminating once and for all with the mass media and with video games, if necessary. National-Jainism also advocates religious plurality for spiritual people, except for Abrahamics and materialists, both of whom are non-violently physically removed from society.

Materialization Economy

The materialization economy, is an economic concept created by Guilherme Antonio Monteiro Gomes Jr., that advocates the use of materialization of resources and consumer goods (durable and non-durable) in order to make products and services available to all without the use or need for money, credit, exchange or any other system of debt or servitude, thus enabling access to products, services and resources for all inhabitants, from humans to gods (empaths, psychics, sensitives, mystical beings etc). The idea of materialization economics is based on the concept that it is possible to materialize resources and products by creating technologies that enable this, such as materializers, psiontechnology, string engineering, and string technology, all technologies of psionicism-extraphysicism, created by the same creator of the materialization economy, Guilherme Monteiro Jr.


Souzism, or Souzianism, is a subcurrent of monteirism and a revolutionary / democratic socialist , psiondemocrat  and psionmoderate current, created by the philosopher Flávia Bezerra Souza, who is the reincarnation of the goddess Athena from Greek mythology, Souzism is characterized by defending that everyone the incarnated gods and entities must unite, to be healed and teach humans that we are all one, that we are all the same, that we are all gods of ourselves, and that wars and violence are bad for the world and for themselves humans. Souzism also defends a cooperative, socialized, democratized and collectivized economy, along with a socialized, democratized and collectivized state, also defending the gradual deviolentization of the media and society and the substitution of violence for non-violence in games and mass media , with the presence of games and media regulation, to guarantee deviolentization and to guarantee the hegemony of deviolentization and non-violence over games

USRA - Union of Socialist Republics of the Americas

USRA - Union of Socialist Republics of the Americas, is a term used to refer to a possible evolution of USRLA - Union of Socialist Republics of Latin America, with USRLA  involving only Latin America, while USRA  involves the entire American continent, USRA was a term created by philosopher Guilherme Antonio Monteiro Jr on January 15, 2020 to refer to this possible evolution from USRLA to USRA , the origin of USRA dates back to June 2019, when Guilherme Monteiro created the term USRAC  - União of the Socialist Republics of the American Continent, used to refer to this hypothetical evolution of USRLA , the term "American continent" being chosen by convention during a discussion between Monteiro and some of his comrades (friends) on discord, facebook and VK, but that in 2020, due to geographical concepts, the term went from USAC to simply USRA.


Proto-monteirism (proto-monteirianism) is a term used to refer to rudimentary and early versions of monteirism and is mainly used to refer to attempts by small / minor gods, such as psychics and sensitives, to unite and create groups. that remind the socialism of monteirism, to protect themselves from their enemies, such as the Abrahamic (Jews, Christians and Islamists), the materialists (anti-spiritualists) and the awtokists (anti-psychics and anti-sensitives), the proto-monteirism also It is used to refer to rudimentary versions of monteirism, such as the early versions that placed the major gods over the minor gods, such as the case of blue socialism (psionsocialism) and musbism-monteirism biosocialism. It can also be used for political models based on monteirism, for example the political groups that defend the deviolentization of the media, society and video games, following the monteirist model of deviolentization.

PMONTB - Brazilian Monteirist Party

Brazilian Monteirist Party (PMONTB in Portuguese and BMONTP in English) is a political party founded by Guilherme Antonio Monteiro Jr on January 14, 2020, and affiliated to PPsiB, which follows Monteirism / Monteirianism in its most orthodox left-wing form, advocating mass reeducation and spiritualization, rapid and efficient implementation of psionicism-extraphysicism and the deviolentization of media and video games, together with the end of oppression and persecution of minor / small gods such as psychics, sensitives and minor mystical beings by society, media, science, technology and religion. PMONTB is considered to be a left-wing psionradical party by the PPsiB, but unlike PMONTL (Monteirism and Liberty Party) PMONTB follows monteirism in its most orthodox form, while PMONTL follows monteirism in its most libertarian form.

PMONTL - Monteirism and Liberty Party

The Monteirism and Liberty Party (PMONTL in Portuguese and MONTLP in English) is a left-wing party, created by Guilherme Antonio Monteiro Jr on January 14, 2020, which follows Monteirism (Monteirianism) in its most libertarian form, libertarian Monteirism, defending freedom for the minor / small gods (psychics, sensitives, minor mystical beings etc) and the end of repression against them, whether by the media, or by society, or by religion, by science, by technology or even by the superior / higher gods. The PMONTL is a party affiliated to the PPsiB (Brazilian Psionic Party - BPsiP) and also advocates the implementation of psionicism-extra-physicalism in Brazil in a fast and efficient manner, as well as the defense of mass reeducation and spiritualization and the deviolentization of the media and video games. way to create deviolentized (nonviolent) media and deviolentized (nonviolent) video games. PMONTL is considered by PPsiB to be a left psionradical party, being part of the left p


Anarcho-monteirismo (anarcho-monteirianism / monteirian anarchism / libertarian monteirism / libertarian monteirianism / monteirian libertarianism / anmont / anmontism) is an anarchist current characterized by uniting anarchism with anarchism. Anarcho-monteirism advocates that the minor / small gods (that is to say psychic, sensitive, minor mystical beings incarnated as humans and minor gods incarnated as humans) should be the managers of anarcho-monteirist society in order to form unions and unions of psychics / sensitives (minor gods) in order to enable the implantation of monteirism and the transition of society to psionicism-extraphysicism, with a radical deviolentization of the media and society, through the elimination of mass media, so that it is no longer harmful, and the elimination of video games, until they are no longer violent and no longer harmful to people's health and mind. Anarcho-monteirism also advocates the spiritualization and re-education of the masses in ord

Anarchoprimitivist Monteirism

Anarcoprimitivist monteirism (anarcoprimitivist monteirianism / monteirian anarcoprimitivism) is an anarcoprimitivist theory that argues that the fastest way to achieve primitivism is through monteirism, defending the deviolentization of the media and society as a way to achieve the anarchoprimitivism. with the destruction of the media and video games. Thus leading to a rapid transition to anarcoprimitivism, anarcoprimitivist monteirism also argues that the minor gods should be the leaders and shamans of the tribes, making humans occupy the other positions of the tribes, anarcoprimitivist monteirismo is also characterized by uniting spiritualism. natural psionicism-extraphysicism and shamanism with anarcoprimtivism, creating a spiritual psionic-extraphysical anarcoprimitivism.

Anarchocapitalist Monteirism

Anarchocapitalist monteirism (anarcocapitalist monteirianism / monteirian anarcocapitalism) is a political theory and a political ideology that unites monteirism with anarcocapitalism, where there is a monteirist society with an anarcho-capitalist economy, where the small gods are the owners of private property and humans must work for the little gods, while the big gods help the little gods with their private property, the little gods must also help humans to evolve spiritually, while the deployment of psionicism-extraphysicism happens quickly, along with the deviolentization of the media and society and the re-education and spiritualization of the masses. Being the economy characterized by being cooperative anarchocapitalist market.

National Democratic Socialism

National Democratic Socialism (NSD / NDS / NatDemSoc / NazDemSoc) is a current of democratic socialism, which unites nationalism with democratic socialism, advocating the establishment of a democratic socialist state with nationalistic and authoritarian characteristics, creating democratic authoritarianism. . The NSD argues that the NSD should be spread to other countries by peaceful means, through influence and propaganda, with the use of wars only in the latter case, the NSD advocates the total deviolentization of the media and society, as well as the restriction freedom of expression for offensive, violent and discriminatory media, with respect for political, religious, spiritual, social and minority groups as long as they agree with democratic national socialism, as well as the unification of classes and workers around the national -democratic socialism. The NSD argues that single-party tripartism, where the single democratic national-socialist party, is subdivided into three part


Posadism-monteirism is a revolutionary socialist (Trotskyist) ideology and doctrine that seeks to unite Juan Posadas' posadism, with the monteirism of Guilherme Monteiro Jr, in which he unites the possible destruction of the world by nuclear war, with a possible dematerialization of the world through non-physical bombs. Posadism-monteirism is characterized by seeking a union between extraterrestrials, gods and entities, thus creating a junction between extraterrestrials, gods and entities, thus uniting psychics and sensitives with starseeds, especially valuing psychics and sensitives that are starseeds. Posadism-monteirism also argues that the psionic-extraphysical faith must be fully embraced, just as all individual beings must connect with the infinite source of all creation, yet being allowed to idolize gods, entities and extraterrestrials. In Posadism-monteirism, transhumanism is replaced by psionicism-extraphysicism. Posadism-monteirism is characterized by defending the dev


National Menshevism (NazMensh / NatMensh) is a political doctrine that seeks to unite nationalism with Menshevism, advocating a slow and gradual transition to socialism through nationalist measures and through cooperation between classes, with a cooperative and proto-economic economy. Distributist. National Menshevism also argues that state democratization and socialization should be the main focus for achieving socialism, as well as the spiritualization of society and the adoption of the spiritual state, where spiritualism and spirituality must be the main focus of society. , and all people must be connected to the infinite source of all creation. National Menshevism also argues for permanent revolution, but that it must be done peacefully in other countries, and there may be expansionism only to territories that are claimed by other countries, and national Menshevik countries may organize borders or create neutral territories. National Menshevism also values ​​the slow and gradual


Sandersism, or bernieism, is a democratic socialist doctrine inspired by the American politician and philosopher Bernie Sanders, Sandersism is characterized by defending a one-party socialist democracy and a socialized and collectivized economy, with the presence of politically correct (and deviolentization), especially for media in general. Sandersism has as its main sub-strand warrenism, created by Elizabeth Warren, which is basically a copy of Sandersism, with the only difference being the defense of pluripartisanship.


Eco-stalinism (or ecostalinism) is an ecological and political model that unites Stalinism with ecology, created as one of the alternatives to save the planet as quickly as possible from climate change and global warming. Ecosstalinism advocates the binding union of all governments in the world to combat climate change and global warming, with military intervention or coup d'état in countries that deny it. Ecosstalinism advocates the total reduction of consumption by closing factories and taking over the means of production, the creation of a world organization responsible for governing the world during the fight against global warming and climate change, being this world organization responsible by controlling industrial and consumer goods, as well as consumption. Ecostalinism also argues that the condemnation and imprisonment of the rich and capitalists for global warming in international neogulags, neogulag is a modern and improved version of the old gulags. Also defending the

Revolutionary Democratic Socialism

Revolutionary democratic socialism or democratic revolutionary socialism (RevDemSoc or DemRevSoc) is a socialist model inspired by Paulo Ghiraldelli Jr's videos and books and theorized by Guilherme Monteiro Jr on January 8, 2020, revolutionary democratic socialism is characterized by uniting the idea of a democratic transition to socialism with the idea of a total socialization of the state and the means of production, arguing that the best way to achieve socialism is through a socialized and democratized state and economy. Revolutionary democratic socialism also advocates the end of neoliberalism and financial capitalism and the adoption of an alternative system to neoliberalism and financial capitalism, such as the socialization and democratization of the economy proposed by revolutionary democratic socialism and in several videos by Paulo Ghiraldelli Jr. Revolutionary democratic socialism also argues that the masses should be educated in order to create social hegemony in socie


Monteirism, or Monteirianism, is a political, spiritual, and psionic-extraphysical philosophy that advocates the creation of a political model, using socialism (particularly revolutionary socialism / Trotskyism) as the basis for psychics, sensitives, and reincarnations of gods and entities. Making an adaptation of socialism to psionicism-extra-physicalism and to spiritualism. Monteirismo is characterized by defending mass reeducation and spiritualization in order to create a hegemonic basis (social hegemony) over society, as well as direct control of media companies and video game companies by an organization responsible for regulating these media. or even directly by the state, in order to promote the deviolentization of the media and society and the end of discrimination and offensive / controversial media and video games. Along with the taking of the means of production, science and technology, collectivizing and socializing them, leading to the rapid and efficient implementat


Psionradicalism is a branch of psionicism-extraphysicism, characterized by advocating a rapid transition to psionicism-extraphysicism, with the presence of an avant-garde authoritarian-democratic state, with the aim of facilitating the transition to psionicism-extraphysicism, the fight against all counterrevolutionary, anti-spiritual, anti-psionic and anti-extraphysical elements, as well as the adoption of the psionic-extraphysical faith, individual divinity (gods of ourselves) and the connection to the infinite source of all creation in place of others. religions, with respect to gods and entities of pagan religions and other religions that do not condemn psionicism-extraphysicism or psionradicalism. Psionradicalism was created by Guilherme Antonio Monteiro Gomes Júnior, after improving his doctrine, monteirism (monteirianism) and realizing that the best way to achieve psionicism-extraphysicism is through quick and efficient changes, as well as the union of psychics. -sensitives shou

Psionic Democracy

Psionic democracy (psiondemocracy) is a political ideology and political doctrine that aims to implement psionicism-extraphysicism (psionextraphysicism) in democratic ways, psionic democracy is characterized by being strongly influenced by social democracy and democratic socialism. main influence of psiondemocracy. Psiondemocracy defends a democratic and socialized state, with the socialization and democratization of the means of production, science and technology, with an anti-capitalist character, psiondemocracy also defends the spiritualization and deviolentization of society, as well as the slow and gradual implementation of psionicism-extraphysicism. Psiondemocracy has as main currents williamsonism, thunbergism and democratic monteirism.


Yokaism is a Japanese psionicist-extraphysicist current that unites Shinto and Japanese culture with psionicism-extraphysicism, advocating the creation of a psionicist-extraphysicist society, based on Shinto and Japanese culture. Yokaism is named after the yokais (Japanese supernatural entities), due to the fact that psionicism-extraphysicalism advocates turning humans into extraphysical beings, ie, extraphysical / supernatural entities, thus yokais. Yokaism is characterized by defending a traditionalist Japanese society in a cooperative and socialized economy, where the means of production, science and technology are collectivized and socialized, with a democratic and socialized state, where all psychics and sensitives can participate and contribute. Yokaism also advocates combating the culture of violence and violent media, whether in movies, games or even anime and other media, defending the propaganda of the culture of nonviolence and nonviolent media through deviolentization. and

Brazilian Iron Front

The Brazilian Iron Front is an anti-bolsonarist, anti-fascist and anti-capitalist civil and political organization, created on November 19, 2019, 7 days after the creation of the neo-fascist bolsonarist party, the Alliance for Brazil, by the union of several Brazilian anti-fascists and leftist intellectuals. The Brazilian Iron Front has as its main objective to unite the Brazilian left and create hegemony in the Brazilian left, thus ending the conflicts between the left and giving hegemony to the Brazilian left. There is also the fight against neoliberalism and the neoliberal reforms that the Bolsonaro government and the possible Bolsonaro successors are doing or want to do. The Brazilian Iron Front has direct inspiration from the German Iron Front, created by the Social Democratic Party (SPD) to oppose Hitler and the National Socialist Party of German Workers (NSDAP), being the main differences of the Brazilian Iron Front. to the German Iron Front, anti-capitalism, anti-bolsonarism a

Revolutionary Psychism

Revolutionary psychism, also known as revolutionary empathism, revolutionary psychicism, revolutionary psionism, revolutionary psionicism, revolutionary extraphysicism or psionradicalism, is a revolutionary current of psychism and psionicism-extraphysicism, which advocates the union of all psychic-sensitives (empaths also enter as psychic- sensitive), and kinetics of the world, in order to combat all enemies of the psychic-sensitive and kinetic. like the Abrahamic religions, materialism, transhumanism, psychopathism, narcissism, archonism, violencism, pseudo-spiritualism, pseudo-gnosticism, capitalism and neoliberalism. Defending the creation of psionicist-extraphysical republics and psychists, formed by psychic-sensitive and kinetic. Revolutionary psyche is characterized by being radical spiritualist, despite having ties with paganism and neopaganism, revolutionary psionism advocates adapting paganism, neopaganism, as well as the Eastern and African religions to the psyche, assimilat


Social-progressivism is a political, economic and social doctrine, created by the Brazilian left, which seeks to unite Karl Marx's socialism with progressivism. It is characterized by being anti-capitalist, anti-transhumanist, socialist in economics, progressive in customs. , anti-CPD (programmed cognitive impairment), spiritualist and having some influences of psionicism, extraphysicism and biosocialism. Social-progressivism also advocates high investments in health, education and technology, especially psiontechnology and technologies derived from psionicism-extra-physicalism, increasing the number of schools (both elementary and high school) and universities and higher education, to the point that everyone can go to high school and enter college without a college entrance exam or ENEM, the end of the military, the demilitarization of the police and the improvement of the human condition of the Brazilian population and consequently the increase of the HDI of Brazil until it is c

Left-wing Neopaganism

Left-wing neopaganism (or leftist neopaganism) is a strand of neopaganism that seeks to unite neopaganism with leftism, defending progressivism in social affairs with an economy based on social-corporatism, social-distributism, and the resource-based economy with socialization of the means of production. In science and technology, left neo-paganism advocates technological and scientific advances based on psionicism-extraphysicism, in religious matters, left neo-paganism holds that the gods are representatives of nature and the universe, just as there is a rational and scientific explanation for the representativeness of each one. There are also rituals of thanks to the gods, nature and the universe, in order to be public celebrations and with parties and parades, as well as private celebrations. In left neo-paganism idolatry is allowed but not encouraged. On the question of demigods and semi-entities, left neopaganism recognizes that demigods and semi-entities, as well as psychics, m