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Social-progressivism is a political, economic and social doctrine, created by the Brazilian left, which seeks to unite Karl Marx's socialism with progressivism. It is characterized by being anti-capitalist, anti-transhumanist, socialist in economics, progressive in customs. , anti-CPD (programmed cognitive impairment), spiritualist and having some influences of psionicism, extraphysicism and biosocialism. Social-progressivism also advocates high investments in health, education and technology, especially psiontechnology and technologies derived from psionicism-extra-physicalism, increasing the number of schools (both elementary and high school) and universities and higher education, to the point that everyone can go to high school and enter college without a college entrance exam or ENEM, the end of the military, the demilitarization of the police and the improvement of the human condition of the Brazilian population and consequently the increase of the HDI of Brazil until it is considered as a developed country, social-progressism advocates healthy political debate and the union of the left to debate Brazil's future and social conditions, as well as a possible union with the right, the center, the third position (nationalists) and the fourth (QTPs) to discuss what is best for Brazil and analyze proposals from all sides and decide which is best For Brazil, social-progressivism also advocates encouraging religious tolerance and ensuring protection of religious worship, as well as protecting the kinetic, psychic, spiritual, and extraphysical. Social-progressism also advocates Brazil's rapprochement with Latin American countries through development, social and trade agreements, and also advocates the preservation of the environment and the adoption of a practical economic alternative to capitalism, ranging from democratic socialism, even social-distributism, social-corporatism, resource-based economics, or even a union of the previous four. The social-progressism has as main theorists: Paulo Ghiraldelli Jr, Guilherme Antonio Monteiro Jr, Murilo Fernando Alves de Andrade and Kalil Pires Lima.


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Shobism is a Marxist-Leninist current created by Belarusian Misha Shoba, shobism advocates the creation of an equal society as in the Fallout series of games, but with the presence of an ultra-authoritarian state and a communist society, shobism also argues that all should use biochemical and radioactive protection equipment, arguing that there should be biochemical and nuclear weapons testing in public places and in forests, as well as nonphysical and extraphysical weapons, shogunism also argues that cities in the country that are anti-shobists should be bombarded with nuclear or non-physical bombs.


The biosocialism (biological socialism) is a political theory that defends the union of the people and the cooperation of the people, in the economic matter, the biosocialismo defends an economic cooperative, distributive and mutualist. In the political question it defends the direct participatory democracy and the syndicalism and in the social question it defends the cooperation and aid between the individuals. In addition to the spiritual issue defend spiritualism and the awakening of consciousness and in the scientific issue defends extraphysicism, psionicism and vibrationalism-psionic. Biosocialism has as main influencers Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Chesterton, Hitler, Stalin, Oswald Mosley, Charlie Chaplin, Dugin and Carl Sagan. Possessing as main theorists and idealizers: Guilherme Antonio Monteiro (Ariel Arlindo Monte - Menteirinho) and Murilo Fernando Alves de Andrade - MUSB. Biosocialism is characterized by being anti-Marxist, anti-olavist, anti-voegelinist, anti-Carlin


Ishtarism (or Ishtarianism) is a spiritual, religious and philosophical doctrine based on the cult of the goddess Ishtar, Ishtarism defends the rapid spiritual evolution of people and the increase of love between people. Ishtarism also advocates the rapid implantation of psionicism-extraphysicism, in Ishtarism, the psychics and sensitives are the priests of the goddess Ishtar and the administrators of the Ishtarist society.