Eco-stalinism (or ecostalinism) is an ecological and political model that unites Stalinism with ecology, created as one of the alternatives to save the planet as quickly as possible from climate change and global warming. Ecosstalinism advocates the binding union of all governments in the world to combat climate change and global warming, with military intervention or coup d'état in countries that deny it. Ecosstalinism advocates the total reduction of consumption by closing factories and taking over the means of production, the creation of a world organization responsible for governing the world during the fight against global warming and climate change, being this world organization responsible by controlling industrial and consumer goods, as well as consumption. Ecostalinism also argues that the condemnation and imprisonment of the rich and capitalists for global warming in international neogulags, neogulag is a modern and improved version of the old gulags. Also defending the end of capitalism and the adoption of an eco-socialist economic model, based on the collectivization and socialization of the means of production, and adapting the means of production to be sustainable and ecological.
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