Revolutionary democratic socialism or democratic revolutionary socialism (RevDemSoc or DemRevSoc) is a socialist model inspired by Paulo Ghiraldelli Jr's videos and books and theorized by Guilherme Monteiro Jr on January 8, 2020, revolutionary democratic socialism is characterized by uniting the idea of a democratic transition to socialism with the idea of a total socialization of the state and the means of production, arguing that the best way to achieve socialism is through a socialized and democratized state and economy. Revolutionary democratic socialism also advocates the end of neoliberalism and financial capitalism and the adoption of an alternative system to neoliberalism and financial capitalism, such as the socialization and democratization of the economy proposed by revolutionary democratic socialism and in several videos by Paulo Ghiraldelli Jr. Revolutionary democratic socialism also argues that the masses should be educated in order to create social hegemony in society, as well as the spiritualization of society, in order to combat programmed cognitive impairment, "slot machine" religions and the neo-atheism.
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