Yokaism is a Japanese psionicist-extraphysicist current that unites Shinto and Japanese culture with psionicism-extraphysicism, advocating the creation of a psionicist-extraphysicist society, based on Shinto and Japanese culture. Yokaism is named after the yokais (Japanese supernatural entities), due to the fact that psionicism-extraphysicalism advocates turning humans into extraphysical beings, ie, extraphysical / supernatural entities, thus yokais. Yokaism is characterized by defending a traditionalist Japanese society in a cooperative and socialized economy, where the means of production, science and technology are collectivized and socialized, with a democratic and socialized state, where all psychics and sensitives can participate and contribute. Yokaism also advocates combating the culture of violence and violent media, whether in movies, games or even anime and other media, defending the propaganda of the culture of nonviolence and nonviolent media through deviolentization. and of cooperation between psychics, sensitives and individuals in general, yokaismo also argues that artificial entities should have the same rights as those of psychics and sensitives, just as all artificial intelligence (robots and androids) should be elevated to the condition of artificial entities. Yokaism also advocates the preservation and restoration of nature, as well as the spiritualization of society and the world, as well as the preservation and return to traditional Japanese architecture and the preservation of Shinto temples and shrines, as well as the factories of psiontechnology and psionic-extraphysical technologies in Japan should, if possible, follow a model of architecture based on or inspired by the architecture of Japan's Shinto temples and shrines.
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