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Left-wing Neopaganism

Left-wing neopaganism (or leftist neopaganism) is a strand of neopaganism that seeks to unite neopaganism with leftism, defending progressivism in social affairs with an economy based on social-corporatism, social-distributism, and the resource-based economy with socialization of the means of production. In science and technology, left neo-paganism advocates technological and scientific advances based on psionicism-extraphysicism, in religious matters, left neo-paganism holds that the gods are representatives of nature and the universe, just as there is a rational and scientific explanation for the representativeness of each one. There are also rituals of thanks to the gods, nature and the universe, in order to be public celebrations and with parties and parades, as well as private celebrations. In left neo-paganism idolatry is allowed but not encouraged. On the question of demigods and semi-entities, left neopaganism recognizes that demigods and semi-entities, as well as psychics, mediums, kinetic, sensitives, etc., are individuals (beings) with special and unique abilities, besides living representatives of nature and the universe, given by nature and the universe, and that these abilities should be encouraged and protected, as well as used for the good of people (mortals), on the issue of artificial intelligence and artificial entities, Left neopaganism argues that both artificial intelligence and artificial entities are artificial beings created to help mortals and semi-gods / semi-entities, it also holds that all artificial intelligence must be elevated to artificial entities, giving the entities the same condition as semi-entities and entities have, and on the issue of entities, left neo-paganism argues that entities, semi-entities and entities, artificial and human (mortal) entities can live together and have the same rights, as well as have equal opportunities. Left neopaganism advocates overcoming atheism-materialism through spiritualism, overcoming transhumanism by psionicism-extraphysicism, and fighting against Abrahamic religions until they are no longer a threat to left neopaganism, Abrahamic religions are still allowed, provided there is no religious intolerance or religious persecution. Left neopaganism also advocates incentives for energy manipulation, kinesis, spirituality, and extraphysics. Also advocating the restoration of ancient countries such as Kemet, Canaan, Babylon (Mesopotamia), Persia among others, as well as the restoration of their ancient cultures and religions, with adaptations to progressism, leftism and psionicism-extra-physicalism. Left neo-paganism advocates combating capitalism and reactionaryism (be it spiritual, religious, materialistic or psycho-reactionary). While in political organization, left neo-paganism advocates a democratic and socialized state, where there is a very strong democracy and socialization of the means of production, science and technology, as well as neopagan shrines and temples, must be democratized and socialized, and they may serve for political, educational, technological, scientific and health purposes. Left paganism also has strong influences from blue socialism (psionsocialism). The left neo-paganism has as Guilherme Antonio Monteiro Jr as the main theorist and creator.


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