Monteirism, or Monteirianism, is a political, spiritual, and psionic-extraphysical philosophy that advocates the creation of a political model, using socialism (particularly revolutionary socialism / Trotskyism) as the basis for psychics, sensitives, and reincarnations of gods and entities. Making an adaptation of socialism to psionicism-extra-physicalism and to spiritualism.
Monteirismo is characterized by defending mass reeducation and spiritualization in order to create a hegemonic basis (social hegemony) over society, as well as direct control of media companies and video game companies by an organization responsible for regulating these media. or even directly by the state, in order to promote the deviolentization of the media and society and the end of discrimination and offensive / controversial media and video games. Along with the taking of the means of production, science and technology, collectivizing and socializing them, leading to the rapid and efficient implementation of psionicism-extra-physicalism. Also defending a socialized, collectivized and democratized state, together with the socialized, collectivized and socialized economy.
Monteirismo is also characterized by defending anti-capitalism, anti-liberalism, anti-transhumanism, anti-materialism, anti-Abrahamism, anti-atheism and anti-secularism, defending a spiritual and psionic-extraphysical state, where the state must be responsible for ensuring the spiritualisation of people and the implementation of psionicism-extraphysicalism. Also defending equality between psychic-sensitives, gods-entities (incarnate) and humans, as well as equality of opportunity, rights and duties between them, together with the reconnection of all with the infinite source of creation, spiritual and psionic-extraphysical evolution. of all, so as not to leave anyone behind.
Monteirismo has Guilherme Antonio Monteiro Gomes Júnior as the main philosopher and creator. Monteirismo is considered as a psionradical, psionmoderated and revolutionary socialist (Trotskyist) current, also having as subcurrent the democratic monteirismo, which is a democratic psiondemocrat and socialist version of monteirism
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