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Mostrando postagens de junho, 2019


The USRAC (Union of Socialist Republics of the American Continent) is a term used to refer to an advanced stage of URSAL, where it already has the USA, Greenland, Canada together, creating the Union of the Socialist Republics of the Continent American, the term "American Continent," was chosen by convention, because "America" refers to the United States, so it was decided American Continent, rather than simply America.

Union of Psionic-Extraphysicist Republics of the American Continent - UPEPRAC

The Union of Psionic-Extraphysicist Republics of the American Continent - UPEPRAC, refers to the union of the entire American Continent on psionic extraphisicism, being similar to URSCA (Union of Socialist Republics of the American Continent), but Psionic-Extraphysicist, of the term "American Continent", was chosen with convection, after concluding that to simply put "of America" would be a reference only to the USA, and on the abreviation of Extraphysicism (EP), it was chosen as a way of specifying better the extraphysicism, due to the formation of the original word to be "Extra" + "Physics", then ended up with the acronym "EP".


National-zapism is a nationalist movement that advocates the use of the WhatsApp for all functions, as well as the administration of the country, national-zapism argues that each social group and family group should own a distinct WhatsApp group, with groups both for friends, as for work, as for fun and as for politics, national-zapism argues that society should have WhatsApp groups where politicians discuss the themes, also advocating a system of direct participatory democracy in WhatsApp through the creation of a system of referendums and plebiscites and automatic suggestions for WhatsApp for group suggestions, in national-zapism, people can have several whatsapps, with the use of a minimum of 4, one for friends, one for work, one for political affairs and another for citizenship, national-zapism also argues that after the smarthphones era, there must be adaptation of WhatsApp for communication. via-consciousness, creating a program capable of even in via-consciousness-telepathic c


Shobism is a Marxist-Leninist current created by Belarusian Misha Shoba, shobism advocates the creation of an equal society as in the Fallout series of games, but with the presence of an ultra-authoritarian state and a communist society, shobism also argues that all should use biochemical and radioactive protection equipment, arguing that there should be biochemical and nuclear weapons testing in public places and in forests, as well as nonphysical and extraphysical weapons, shogunism also argues that cities in the country that are anti-shobists should be bombarded with nuclear or non-physical bombs.


Psioncracy is a system of society where the focus must be on the manipulation of energy (kinetic) and extraphysical, where the government must be formed by kinetics (energy manipulators) and extraphysical.


Extrahumanism (extra-humanism) is a theory / movement / ideology that holds that all humans must become extrahuman (superhuman), and for this the use of technologies such as spiritual and extraphysical technologies must be used to make all humans into extrahumans. Extrahumanism has a direct influence from extraphysicism and psionicism.


The anarcho-yanderism defends an anarchist society where all the people and entities that are considered yanderes must rule in society, defending the creation of militias and guerillas formed by yanderes with the objective to take care of the society, the anarcho-yanderism also defends that all must treat yanderes well and that otherwise they should be punished by yanderes themselves. And all who are not yanderes must work for yanderes.


The national-yanderism (national-yandere) defends a nationalist and ultra-militarized state run by a party formed exclusively by yanderes (be they human or entities), having a cooperative and stancapist economy, national yanderism defends the expansionism and the influence in other countries and territories to spread the national-yanderism. All who are not yanderes must work for the yanderist state and should otherwise be sent to forced labor camps run by yanderes.


The trololorismo is a political theory created by the russian youtuber Trololore XP, the trololorism defends that all must help each other and be friends of each other, being the presence of a direct participatory democracy for all the decisions that are taken, the trololorismo also advocates a cooperative and distributive economy, with strong influences of biosocialism and extraphysicism.


National-nativism is a political theory that advocates the creation of a state that is pro-indigenous and indigenization and nativization of society. To restore ancient traditions and customs. There are strong investments in industrialization and technology.


Neo-Chaplinism refers to a theory / ideology / doctrine / political and humorous movement based on the ideas, speeches, and presentations of comedian Charlie Chaplin, whose aim is to maintain Charlie Chaplin's legacy and to enhance the Chaplinism. Neo-chaplinism has a number of influences such as positive humor, menteirism, menteirinhism, Monteirianism, extraphysicism, psionicism, psionic-vibrationalism, biosocialism, psionsocialism, extrasocialism, musbism, chespiritism, stancapism, neo-pryorism, neo-anysioism, national-bolshevism , empathirism, mosleyanism, duginism and even of the minecraftism, retarded humorism, syndicalism and distributism. Neo-chaplinism criticizes Carlinism, Lennybrucism, Humorinegrism (Blackhumorism), Nietzschianism, Marxism, Orwellism, Voegelinism, Olavism, Transhumanism, Chippism, Chamadism, Cynicism, Atheism, and Marxism. Neo-chaplinism defends the practice of positive humor and at the same time forms of making deep criticisms in a


Extraphysicism is a political, social, intellectual, spiritual, and scientific theory that advocates the focus of all society, technology, science and technology to the extraphysical and nonphysical, as well as the transition from society to extraphysical , thus making them all into extraphysical beings (multidimensional beings and entities). Extraphysicism is considered as an undercurrent and a more specialized variation of psionic-vibrationalism and psionicism, in addition to walking along with them.


National-empathism (national-empathyism) is a political movement based on empathirism, a new political path (Fifth Way / Fifth Position) that is still in the construction phase that preaches that empathy and love between good citizens and the extermination of the culture of evil present since the existence of fundamental humanity for the path of the perfect state where there is no evil, for the existence and maintenance of an empathic state is necessary to protect national sovereignty, a strong media intervention and censorship and persecution of all forms of evil preaching. National-empathism is compatible with biosocialism, psionicism, psionic-vibrationalism, and extraphisicism.


Musbism is a political and philosophical current based on the ideas, phrases and concepts of Murilo Fernando Alves de Andrade (MUSB), musbism is characterized by being proto-monarchist, traditionalist, biosocialist, psionic-vibrationalist, extraphysicist, spiritualist, anti-olavista , anti-volegelinist, anti-transhumanist, anti-liberal and anti-materialist. Musbism advocates the creation of an interventionist, traditionalist, biosocialist and proto-monarchist state. In the scientific question, musbism defends vibrationalism-psionicism and extraphysicism in its most essential form, defending the spiritualization of society. Musbism advocates overcoming transhumanism and materialism through extraphysicalism and psionic-vibrationalism, in the philosophical question musbism criticizes olavism and voegelinism, saying that olavism and voegelinism are misrepresented forms of conservatism and that ideologies, religions and gnosis are completely different things, as well as several other crit


The Duginism-monteirianism is a theory of the fourth political theory, which mixes elements of dugism, in the social, political and economic question with elements of Monteirianism, in the technological, scientific, spiritual and cultural question. Defending the overcoming of state-nation, liberalism, transhumanism, materialism and any form of mental block. There is a strong presence of Eurasianism and psionic-vibrationalism. The Duginism-monteirianism is characterized by being similar to the national Bolshevism, defending something similar to Stalinism and the permanent revolution, arguing that property must belong to the workers themselves and that liberation must be spread all over the world and that the entire population must have a minimum amount of quality of life, being of characteristic descente. The Duginism-monteirianism is strongly against any type of controlling elite, being strongly against the Atlanticism of the UN and NATO and against Zionism-rothschildist of Israel


Progressivism (progressive or progressivism) is a political current, which advocates the idea of progress, scientific, technological, economic and social progress should be used to improve the human condition and human society, progressivism is characterized by the defense of intellectualism, spiritualism and scientism, influencing diverse political currents, like the transhumanism, chippism, extraphysicism, psionic-vibrationalism and eco-fascism.


Ziuganovism (Zyuganovism) is a communist current based on the policies and political proposals of Guennadi Ziuganov, leader of the Communist Party of Russian Federation (KPRF), characterized by the strong presence of Stalinism, proto-biosocialism, nationalism, with some small influences of extraphysicism and psionic-vibrationalism. Zyganovism advocates the union of the Russian people and the former USSR countries, for the restoration of the USSR, and consequently the creation of the Second Warsaw Pact, ziuganovismo is also characterized as defending market socialism and economic protectionism.


Anarcho-minecraftism advocates an anarchist society, where the focus should be minecraft, all constructs must follow the style of minecraft, and everyone should play minecraft for at least 5 hours a week, anarco-minecraft also advocates the use of technologies to make society the closest to minecraft, such as psionotechnology, psionengineering, extraphysical technologies and non-physical technologies.


Minecraftism advocates that the whole society should be based and focused on minecraft, where everyone must play minecraft for at least 2 hours a day, all architecture and decoration must follow the molds of minecraft, as well as the use of extraphysicism and vibrationalism- psionic to make the world as close as possible to minecraft, in addition to its virtualization, minecraft advocates that people who do not like minecraft should mince, and also the use of picks as a tool for re-education purposes (as in Stalinism), and everyone who is afraid of pickaxes must carry a pickaxe in the head, minecraftism also advocates the transition from society to communism, through the multiplication of resources, the materialization of consumer goods, and the distribution and sharing of resources and consumer goods for all.

Stalinism Anarcho-capitalist

Stalinism Anarcho-capitalist or Stancapism is a political and economic theory that defends a free state that protects an authoritarian market, where the state is the total provider of private property existing in the country, the stancapism, argues that the state must guarantee the freedom of all individuals, be it individual, political, social, economic or spiritual. On the economic issue, stancapism advocates a state that provides private freedom for all, where everyone can contribute to property, the state being the provider of private property as well, thus enabling rapid development and economic growth , the Stancapism, in the technological question defends the study of the extraphysical and the non-physical, using as main reference the psionic-vibrationalism, extraphysicism and the psionicism for the development of a nonphysical technology and possible to generate a rapid development and the true evolution and freedom for all individuals. Stancapism is characterized by defend

Blue Communism

Blue communism is a term used to refer to an analysis of vibrationalism, psionicism, and extraphysicism as a form of proto-communism and spiritualism, also used to refer to vibrationalism, psionicism, and extraphisicism in its collectivist application, blue communism is characterized for being anti-Marxist, anti-Leninist and anti-Stalinist, defending historical spiritualism and dialectical spiritualism in the place of historical materialism and dialectical materialism. Blue communism is characterized by defending a dictatorship formed by kinetic-psionics, energy manipulators, wizards, spiritual, extraphysical, spiritual, and entities. Also advocating the manipulation of energy (kinesis-psionic), extraphysical, non-physical and spiritual awakening as the main focuses of society. Blue communism was idealized, theorized and formulated by the philosopher, theorist, inventor and writer Guilherme Antonio Monteiro, also known as Ariel Arlindo Monte or Menteirinho. Blue communism has influen

Neoconservatism is Trotskyism

All of you, or most of you, may have read or seen something about neoconservatism, or even encountered or encountered some neocons, but you knew that neoconservatism has many things in common with Trotskyism, which is derived from a system that so many neocons are against? What is communism? The similarities between Trotskyism and neoconservatism begin with the question that both systems claim to spread to the world, Trotskyism more objectively, as the example of the permanent revolution, and neoconservatism more secretly, as the example of fake news , conspiracy theories (such as the case of cultural Marxism) and the creation of false threats (such as the false Communist threat) that must be fought. Both systems advocate distorted versions of their origins, the Trotskyism of Marxism and the neo-conservatism of liberalism plus conservatism (that of liberal in economics and conservative in customs). Since in Trotskyism this misrepresentation is not very clear, whereas in neoconse

The Difference Between Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism

Much is asked about the difference between neoliberalism and neoconservatism, both are quite similar, but have several differences between them. Neo-liberalism deals with the economic issue, while neo-conservatism deals with the social and cultural question, neoconservatism has as neoliberalism its economic form, which is the minimal state and an anti-interventionist and anti-protectionist state, with only one exception for neo-conservatism of the developed countries, which allow a semi-protectionist and semi-interventionist state, since neoliberalism has two main currents, that of the minimal state and that of the semi-interventionist and semi-protectionist state, which confuses a great deal when differentiating . Neoconservatism deals with the "liberal in the economy and conservative in customs", being more precise "neoliberal in the economy and neoconservative in customs", defending the minimal state, a serville and neo-liberal economy, and an anti-communist,


The biosocialism (biological socialism) is a political theory that defends the union of the people and the cooperation of the people, in the economic matter, the biosocialismo defends an economic cooperative, distributive and mutualist. In the political question it defends the direct participatory democracy and the syndicalism and in the social question it defends the cooperation and aid between the individuals. In addition to the spiritual issue defend spiritualism and the awakening of consciousness and in the scientific issue defends extraphysicism, psionicism and vibrationalism-psionic. Biosocialism has as main influencers Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Chesterton, Hitler, Stalin, Oswald Mosley, Charlie Chaplin, Dugin and Carl Sagan. Possessing as main theorists and idealizers: Guilherme Antonio Monteiro (Ariel Arlindo Monte - Menteirinho) and Murilo Fernando Alves de Andrade - MUSB. Biosocialism is characterized by being anti-Marxist, anti-olavist, anti-voegelinist, anti-Carlin


Psionsocialism (psion-socialism) is a political current based on biosocialism, which seeks to unite the elements of biosocialism with psionicism and extraphysicism. Defending a distributist, cooperative, and mutualist state and at the same time unlocking human consciousness, encourage the manipulation of energy and make humans into non-physical entities and multidimensional beings.

Anti-United Nations

The anti-united nations (anti-unitednationism) is a response to the various dictatorial acts and disassociations of the UN, being formed by the union of Eurasianists with several groups of QTP and third position, anti-onuismo is characterized by the total repudiation of any measure of the UN, anti-Atlantist, anti-liberal, anti-transhumanist, anti-globalist, anti-imperialist and being characteristic of Eurasian, Monteirianism and Psionic-Vibrationalism. Defending the end of the UN, the end of globalism, the end of liberalism, the end of transhumanism, overcoming the concept of nation-state, continental unions, the spiritualization of society and the end of any kind of world elite. Anti-United Nations also has influences of traditionalism and nationalism.