The Duginism-monteirianism is a theory of the fourth political theory, which mixes elements of dugism, in the social, political and economic question with elements of Monteirianism, in the technological, scientific, spiritual and cultural question. Defending the overcoming of state-nation, liberalism, transhumanism, materialism and any form of mental block. There is a strong presence of Eurasianism and psionic-vibrationalism.
The Duginism-monteirianism is characterized by being similar to the national Bolshevism, defending something similar to Stalinism and the permanent revolution, arguing that property must belong to the workers themselves and that liberation must be spread all over the world and that the entire population must have a minimum amount of quality of life, being of characteristic descente.
The Duginism-monteirianism is strongly against any type of controlling elite, being strongly against the Atlanticism of the UN and NATO and against Zionism-rothschildist of Israel and the Zionists. Defending that the people themselves should control themselves, mixing the national-distributism with the national-plebism on this issue.

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