Blue communism is a term used to refer to an analysis of vibrationalism, psionicism, and extraphysicism as a form of proto-communism and spiritualism, also used to refer to vibrationalism, psionicism, and extraphisicism in its collectivist application, blue communism is characterized for being anti-Marxist, anti-Leninist and anti-Stalinist, defending historical spiritualism and dialectical spiritualism in the place of historical materialism and dialectical materialism. Blue communism is characterized by defending a dictatorship formed by kinetic-psionics, energy manipulators, wizards, spiritual, extraphysical, spiritual, and entities. Also advocating the manipulation of energy (kinesis-psionic), extraphysical, non-physical and spiritual awakening as the main focuses of society. Blue communism was idealized, theorized and formulated by the philosopher, theorist, inventor and writer Guilherme Antonio Monteiro, also known as Ariel Arlindo Monte or Menteirinho. Blue communism has influences of biosocialism, psionsocialism and extrasocialism. Blue communism is also anti-materialist, anti-atheist, anti-chipist, and anti-transhumanist.
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