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Neoconservatism is Trotskyism

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All of you, or most of you, may have read or seen something about neoconservatism, or even encountered or encountered some neocons, but you knew that neoconservatism has many things in common with Trotskyism, which is derived from a system that so many neocons are against? What is communism?

The similarities between Trotskyism and neoconservatism begin with the question that both systems claim to spread to the world, Trotskyism more objectively, as the example of the permanent revolution, and neoconservatism more secretly, as the example of fake news , conspiracy theories (such as the case of cultural Marxism) and the creation of false threats (such as the false Communist threat) that must be fought.

Both systems advocate distorted versions of their origins, the Trotskyism of Marxism and the neo-conservatism of liberalism plus conservatism (that of liberal in economics and conservative in customs). Since in Trotskyism this misrepresentation is not very clear, whereas in neoconservatism and clarity it is very well known and present.

In the issue of symbology, Trotskyism has the symbol of the fourth international, whereas neoconservatism does not have an 'official' symbol, but in the USA the symbol of an Eagle (like NS) is used, with the Republican head symbol down with the name "NEOCON" on top.

Both systems are quite dangerous, both in the political and social question, both Trotskyites and neoconservatives are people who claim to spread chaos and discord around the world, so as not to stop a single moment, so that however much both systems are different, both are quite similar, and one can not forget, that many neoconservatives, have already been Trotskyists, and still have the Trotskyist ideal alive within them. The difference is that now they are right, so much so that we can conclude that one of the main differences between Trotskyism and neoconservatism is that Trotskyism is "left" and neo-conservatism is "right".

Taking care of both is really necessary, and especially being alert with both, as both are misrepresented and are present in our country and the world we live in, we have several famous neoconservative currents, such as Olavism, Bolsonarism, Bolsolavism etc. That's why knowing just how similar both systems are is something really necessary and important.


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