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Neo-Chaplinism refers to a theory / ideology / doctrine / political and humorous movement based on the ideas, speeches, and presentations of comedian Charlie Chaplin, whose aim is to maintain Charlie Chaplin's legacy and to enhance the Chaplinism.

Neo-chaplinism has a number of influences such as positive humor, menteirism, menteirinhism, Monteirianism, extraphysicism, psionicism, psionic-vibrationalism, biosocialism, psionsocialism, extrasocialism, musbism, chespiritism, stancapism, neo-pryorism, neo-anysioism, national-bolshevism , empathirism, mosleyanism, duginism and even of the minecraftism, retarded humorism, syndicalism and distributism.

Neo-chaplinism criticizes Carlinism, Lennybrucism, Humorinegrism (Blackhumorism), Nietzschianism, Marxism, Orwellism, Voegelinism, Olavism, Transhumanism, Chippism, Chamadism, Cynicism, Atheism, and Marxism. Neo-chaplinism defends the practice of positive humor and at the same time forms of making deep criticisms in a positive and constructive way as well. Defending spiritualization and clarification of society, increasing the vibrational state of the Earth and people, neo-chaplinism works in the essence of people, in the true essence of people, thus enabling the fastest spiritualization, awakening and union of society.

If there are incentives to extraphysical, spiritual, non-physical and energy manipulation, it advocates the awakening of consciousness and spiritual awakening, both individually and collectively, also advocating turning humans into multidimensional beings. there is a strong presence of de-cellularization, de-transhumanization and deschipalization policies, with the removal of chemtrails and nanoparticles within people, through extraphysical, non-physical, vibrationalism, psionicism and extraphysicism.

In the government, neo-chaplinism advocates a government based on direct-participatory democracy and syndicalism, and a distributive-cooperative economy, on the issue of science and technology, neo-chaplinism argues that everyone can do science or contribute in some way social-technocracy), with a science focused on biology, extraphysical, non-physical, psiontechnology, spiritual technologies (spiritecnologia-spirit-technology), extraphysical and non-physical technologies.

Defended the total democratization of society and the use of consensus, referendums and plebiscites to decide the course of the nation. Along with de-transhumanization, deschipalization and decellularization, neo-chaplinism advocates the implantation of the system of vibrational identification and spiritual recognition, via-consciousness communication and extraphysical and non-physical technologies (as energy feeders, ultra-vibrational medicine, materializers, etc.). ). Proposing the end and overcoming of consumerism to a mentality where there is no lack and where what prevails is help and cooperation.

Neo-chaplinism also advocates the end of world elites and elitism, overcoming and demystifying conspiracy, overcoming nation-state concepts, creating a single nation based on "unity in diversity," and turning humans into beings multidimensional and in entities. Neo-chaplinism is characterized by being anti-liberal, anti-Zionist, anti-Carlinist, anti-Lennybrucist, anti-conspiracyist, anti-NWO, anti-globalist, anti-transhumanist, anti-cynist, anti-Nietzschean, anti- Orwellianist, anti-blackhumorist, anti-chamadist, anti-nihilist and anti-singularist.


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