Anti-Rightist Action, also known as Anti-Righ Actiont, Anti-Right or Anti-Rightism is a political movement created by William Ariel Mounter with the aim of combating rightism and rightist sub-ideologies, which involves capitalism, liberalism, neoliberalism, conservatism , neoconservatism, fascism, right-wing nationalism and traditionalism. Anti-Rightist Action is also characterized by defending that the left should create anti-rightist political movements around the world as well as creating leftist newspapers to expose right-wing and fight against right-wing propaganda, anti-rightism is characterized by uniting reformism, socialism, communism and anarchism as fronts to fight rightism and its sub-ideologies.
The biosocialism (biological socialism) is a political theory that defends the union of the people and the cooperation of the people, in the economic matter, the biosocialismo defends an economic cooperative, distributive and mutualist. In the political question it defends the direct participatory democracy and the syndicalism and in the social question it defends the cooperation and aid between the individuals. In addition to the spiritual issue defend spiritualism and the awakening of consciousness and in the scientific issue defends extraphysicism, psionicism and vibrationalism-psionic. Biosocialism has as main influencers Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Chesterton, Hitler, Stalin, Oswald Mosley, Charlie Chaplin, Dugin and Carl Sagan. Possessing as main theorists and idealizers: Guilherme Antonio Monteiro (Ariel Arlindo Monte - Menteirinho) and Murilo Fernando Alves de Andrade - MUSB. Biosocialism is characterized by being anti-Marxist, anti-olavist, anti-voegelinist, anti-Carlin
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