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Mostrando postagens de maio, 2020


Monteirism, also known as mounterism, monteirianism, mounterianism, mythical socialism, mythical communism, nonhuman socialism and / or nonhuman communism, is a revolutionary socialist current created by Guilherme Monteiro Jr, also known as William Ariel Mounter, which is characterized for defending a socialist model for nonhumans, also known as mythicals, and for gods, based on the full socialization of the economy and the state, as well as the full socialization of the world economy and world politics, together with the spiritualization of the masses, re-education of the masses, rapid transition to extraphysicism and the creation of non-human countries. Monteirismo is characterized by defending dialectical / historical spiritualism, also using dialectical / historical materialism to study the physical worlds, the extraphysical worlds and the worlds of non-human origins. Monteirismo is also characterized by anti-awtokism, anti-atheism, anti-capitalism, anti-rightism, anti-fascism and

Anti-Rightist Action

Anti-Rightist Action, also known as Anti-Righ Actiont, Anti-Right or Anti-Rightism is a political movement created by William Ariel Mounter with the aim of combating rightism and rightist sub-ideologies, which involves capitalism, liberalism, neoliberalism, conservatism , neoconservatism, fascism, right-wing nationalism and traditionalism. Anti-Rightist Action is also characterized by defending that the left should create anti-rightist political movements around the world as well as creating leftist newspapers to expose right-wing and fight against right-wing propaganda, anti-rightism is characterized by uniting reformism, socialism, communism and anarchism as fronts to fight rightism and its sub-ideologies.


Nativianism, also known as nativism, is a political movement and a political ideology that argues that countries and regions of the world should return to their native / primitive cultures, using the main native / primitive cultures as basis, as well as the return to their original religions, but adapted as forms of spirituality and forms of life, together with technological and scientific advances. Nativianism also argues that the world economy must be self-managed and countries must help each other through cooperativism and self-management.

Left Monteirism

Left monteirism, also known as left mounterism, is a mountaineering tendency that advocates the total emancipation of nonhumans in order to consider human help as a form of human opportunism to dominate nonhumans again, as well as the defense of the total socialization of non-human countries to prevent non-humans from exploiting other non-humans. Left monteirismo also argues that the socialization of the state and the economy must be done in a total and still global way, creating a fully socialized world economy and a fully socialized world policy, with no capitalist element in the economy.

Right-wing Trotskyism

Right-wing Trotskyism is a term used to refer to the rightization and / or neoconservatization nature of Trotskyism, which consists of turning Trotskyism into a right-wing ideology, replacing the socialized economy with an interventionist or neoliberal capitalist economy and the socialization of the state by centralization of the powers of the state or by the dissolution of the powers of the state to a minimum state. Right-wing Trotskyism is also characterized by "neoconservatization", which consists of making people's minds neoconservative and extreme, thus directing people and leading them to neoconservatism. Right-wing Trotskyism has neoconservative and Trotskyist neoconservatism (neoconservative trotskyism) as its main currents, the first being restricted to only the country of origin and the second being internationalist, there is also the National-Trotskyism (NazTrot / NazTrotism) that is characterized for being right-wing but keeping the economy and the state soc


Trotskyism-posadism-monteirism is a term, created by the juxtaposition of the words trotskyism, posadism and monteirism, used to refer to a state of communism where it is found throughout existence, to the point that the permanent revolution is already complete. Trotskyism-posadism-monteirism is characterized by defending the total socialization of the economy and the state, as well as mass democracy and self-emancipation of the workers  from the complete transition to extraphysicism. Trotskyism-posadism-monteirism unites trotskyism, posadism and monteirismo in one thing. The motto of Trotskyism-posadism-monteirism is "trotskyism on Earth, posadism in the universe and monteirismo in other universes, worlds and dimensions".