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Anarcho-monteirism (anarhco-monteirianism, anarcho-mounterism, anarcho-mounterianism, libertarian monteirism, libertarian monteirianism, libertarian mounterismo, libertarian mounterianismo, anmont, anmounter) is an strand of monteirism that is characterized by defending that all god-empaths are equal and that they should have equal opportunities, just as cooperation and help between god-empaths must be the most important, replacing competition, affronts and underestimations, in anarcho-mountaineering, god-empaths must focus on evolving spiritually and extraphysically in order to return to their home worlds, with a quick and equal transition to extraphyisicism. In anarcho-monteirism, the concepts of property and state are replaced by the concept of administration, where it is the god-empaths who manage the resources and decide who will do what.


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Shobism is a Marxist-Leninist current created by Belarusian Misha Shoba, shobism advocates the creation of an equal society as in the Fallout series of games, but with the presence of an ultra-authoritarian state and a communist society, shobism also argues that all should use biochemical and radioactive protection equipment, arguing that there should be biochemical and nuclear weapons testing in public places and in forests, as well as nonphysical and extraphysical weapons, shogunism also argues that cities in the country that are anti-shobists should be bombarded with nuclear or non-physical bombs.

The Difference Between Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism

Much is asked about the difference between neoliberalism and neoconservatism, both are quite similar, but have several differences between them. Neo-liberalism deals with the economic issue, while neo-conservatism deals with the social and cultural question, neoconservatism has as neoliberalism its economic form, which is the minimal state and an anti-interventionist and anti-protectionist state, with only one exception for neo-conservatism of the developed countries, which allow a semi-protectionist and semi-interventionist state, since neoliberalism has two main currents, that of the minimal state and that of the semi-interventionist and semi-protectionist state, which confuses a great deal when differentiating . Neoconservatism deals with the "liberal in the economy and conservative in customs", being more precise "neoliberal in the economy and neoconservative in customs", defending the minimal state, a serville and neo-liberal economy, and an anti-communist,...

Social Luddism

Social luddism, also known as left-wing luddism, social neoluddism and as left-wing neoluddism, is a political and cultural movement that defends the fight against the cultural industry, the mass media and the mass culture, in order to improve the living conditions of the population and clean up people's minds, social-luddism is also characterized by advocating a reduction in the use of technology at work and in people's lives, so that technology is used only for certain situations and for situations in which the use of technology is really necessary, as in health cases. Social Luddism is also characterized by defending a new class struggle between the digital proletariat and the digital bourgeoisie, as well as defending that the internet, the cultural industry, the mass media and the mass culture are used to oppress the proletariat and spread propaganda in favor of the digital bourgeoisie. Social Luddism is characterized by defending anti-capitalism, anti-rightism, anti-global...