Anarcho-monteirism (anarhco-monteirianism, anarcho-mounterism, anarcho-mounterianism, libertarian monteirism, libertarian monteirianism, libertarian mounterismo, libertarian mounterianismo, anmont, anmounter) is an strand of monteirism that is characterized by defending that all god-empaths are equal and that they should have equal opportunities, just as cooperation and help between god-empaths must be the most important, replacing competition, affronts and underestimations, in anarcho-mountaineering, god-empaths must focus on evolving spiritually and extraphysically in order to return to their home worlds, with a quick and equal transition to extraphyisicism. In anarcho-monteirism, the concepts of property and state are replaced by the concept of administration, where it is the god-empaths who manage the resources and decide who will do what.
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