Revolutionary empathism is a political doctrine and political theory, characterized by defending the union of empathy with revolutionism, defending the fight against egoism. to psychopathism and narcissism, in order to combat all enemies of empaths and psychic-sensitives. And making defense, empathy, psychicity and sensitivity. Proposing that the best way to change society is through the fight against egoism, psychopathism and narcissism, increasing people's empathy, psychicity and sensitivity. Revolutionary empathism also defends the fight against capitalism, neoliberalism and materialism (atheism / neo-atheism), stating that both are doctrines that are derived from narcissism, psychopathism and selfishness, with the replacement of both by an economy that seeks uniting socialism with cooperativism and unionism, and exchanging materialism for spiritualism, also criticizing Abrahamism (Abrahamic religions), stating that Abrahamism is anti-empath, anti-psychic and anti-sensitive, seeking to overcome Abrahamism by through spiritualism. Revolutionary empathism also advocates the preservation of nature and the world, as well as the use of psionicism-extraphysicali as the basis for the science and technology of revolutionary empathism.
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