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Mostrando postagens de fevereiro, 2020

Abrahamic Neopaganism

Abrahamic Neopaganism, also known as Neopagan Abrahamism, is a religious movement, created by Illya "Illidar" Komaryskin, which seeks to unite the idea of ​​a single god, coming from Abrahamism, with the idea that there are several gods and individual divinity, from neopaganism. Abrahamic neopaganism is characterized by defending that there is a god (Infinite Source of All Creation) that where all gods, empaths, psychics and sensitives have a part of that god, making them gods, as well as everything and everyone has a part of this god, and each part varies from being to being and from thing to thing. Abrahamic neopaganism holds that the Infinite Source of All Creation is given other names, such as YHWH, Allah, God etc. As well as different interpretations of it, Abrahamic neopaganism has the thesis that the context of god has been distorted over time and used to oppress and subdue other people and beings, therefore, the sacred books and sacred texts must be revised and mod


Komaryskinism, also known as Komaryskinianism, illidarianism, illidarianism, monteirism with Jewish characteristics or Jewish monteirism, is a chain of mountaineering, created by the Belarusian-Israeli Jewish philosopher Illya "Illidar" Komaryskin, who seeks to reform Judaism on the basis of monteriism. Komaryskinism argues that all gods have a part of god (YHWH) inside them, making them gods, just as everyone has a part of god inside them, making everyone gods in some way, and those who feel who are gods are those who have discovered that they are part of god, and those who do not feel, are because they have not yet discovered that they are part of god or because they do not want to discover. Komaryskinism also defends idolatry, arguing that idolatry is a way to get in touch with god more easily, because idols are like a manifestation of god, therefore, part of god. That is why there can be idolatry and worship of other gods, because just like idols, gods are like parts of

Communist Party of the Gods

The Communist Party of the Gods (Gods' Communist Party / CPG / GCP) is a monteirist political party created by Guilherme Monteiro Jr whose main objective is to unite as many gods as possible on the physical plane, and consequently, on the other planes of existence. the CPG is considered as a global party, due to the fact that it has bases in various places on the planet Earth and because of its internationalist character. The CPG follows mountaineering as an official ideology, with influences from left-wing communism and revolutionary socialism. The CPG in its organization is divided into three main wings, the wing of the gods, the wing of the demons and the wing of the humans, the wing of the gods being subdivided into two sub-wings, the sub-wing of the major gods and the wing of the minor gods, but in practice, both sub-wings live together and without differences between them. In its political agenda, the CPG is characterized by defending monteirism, left communism, proletar


Communocracy (also known as communarchy), refers to a non-Marxist socialist model, which adapts democracy to communism, being used to refer to what a model of socialist society would look like before Karl Marx and without Marxism . Communocracy is widely used to refer to monteirismo, which is a socialist model of gods, ranging from major (superior) gods to minor (inferior) gods, because monteirismo is seen as a non-Marxist spiritualist socialist model, as it repeals the Marxism, recognizing that gods can be socialist and leftist. Communocracy is characterized by being democratic, spiritualistic and defending the socialization of the means of production and the state, in order to abolish private property and the state, adopting a management model similar to anarchism and anarcho-communism / anarcho-syndicalism , where people start to manage society in a socialized, cooperative and collectivized way.


Gassetism is a term used to refer to a political ideology inspired by the Spanish philosopher Ortega-y-Gasset. Gassetism is characterized by defending existentialism with Christianity and liberal conservatism, defending republicanism and democracy in order to respect existentialism and Christianity. The main aspect of Gassetism is Left Gassetism, which seeks to adapt Gassetism to leftism and democratic socialism.

Revolutionary Empathism

Revolutionary empathism is a political doctrine and political theory, characterized by defending the union of empathy with revolutionism, defending the fight against egoism. to psychopathism and narcissism, in order to combat all enemies of empaths and psychic-sensitives. And making defense, empathy, psychicity and sensitivity. Proposing that the best way to change society is through the fight against egoism, psychopathism and narcissism, increasing people's empathy, psychicity and sensitivity. Revolutionary empathism also defends the fight against capitalism, neoliberalism and materialism (atheism / neo-atheism), stating that both are doctrines that are derived from narcissism, psychopathism and selfishness, with the replacement of both by an economy that seeks uniting socialism with cooperativism and unionism, and exchanging materialism for spiritualism, also criticizing Abrahamism (Abrahamic religions), stating that Abrahamism is anti-empath, anti-psychic and anti-sensitive, s