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Mostrando postagens de outubro, 2020

Anunnaki Model

The Anunnaki Model, also known as Anunnaki Self-Management, Anunnaki Self-Management Model, Anunnaki Mounterism, Anunnaki Monteirism, Anumounterism, Anumonteirism, Kurism or Kurianism, is the name of a supposed organization model that Anunnaki used and use, which is the union of the Anunnaki economy and the anunnaki organizational system. On the economic issue, the Anunnaki model defends the self-sufficiency of each world and the self-management of each world, where resources can be shared mutually and without the existence of money, replacing private property with the concept of administration. If you have money, money should be used in order to benefit as many people as possible, avoiding concentration of income as much as possible. And on the political issue, the Anunnaki model is characterized by having full management of all means of production and all resources, except personal property (such as temples and addresses), where an Anunnaki family is assigned to manage that region, w