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Mostrando postagens de março, 2020

Socialist Federative Republic of Brazil

The Socialist Federative Republic of Brazil (SFRB or SFR Brazil), used by Guilherme Monteiro Jr (William Ariel Mounter) for criticize Bolsonaro's government, the Brazilian right and the Brazilian left. The RSFB would be an initial step for URSAL, the RSFB being inspired by the Federative Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia (Yugoslavia) and the Soviet Federative Socialist Republic of Russia (RSFSR). Monteiro Jr also uses the RSFB to refer to what Brazil would be like in mountirismo / mounterismo, revolutionary socialist (Trotskyist) ideology created by him.

Divine Communism

Divine communism is a term created by Guilherme Monteiro Jr, used for refer to the organizational model of the divine plane, the spiritual plane, the worlds of the gods, especially those of the superiors and the worlds of highly evolved beings where resources are distributed among the gods and among highly evolved beings (who for Monteiro Jr are considered as gods too) so that there is no lack and that everyone can have access to resources, without experiencing the lack of resources, in divine communism there is no property, and the concept of “Property” is replaced by the concept of “administration”, where resources are managed by the mutual self-management of the gods themselves, with the division between who will be responsible for managing what, who will be partners with whom and who will perform the functions and tasks. In divine communism there is no competition, competition is replaced by the concept of cooperation, because in divine communism it is understood the need for un

New Ludism

New Ludism / Renewed Ludism / Neoludism / Webludism / Anti-Social Network / Virtual Ludism is a political and cultural movement existing in Left institutions, they support a welfare state system with a focus on labor rights, believe in a new class struggle between the digital proletariat (Internet producers and workers) and the digital bourgeoisie (owners of social networks and virtual bosses), they are characterized by being Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Globalization / Anti-Globalism, Anti-Liberalism, Anti-Free Market, Anti-Transhumanism, Anti -New World Order (Anti-nwo), Anti-Chipism / Anti-Microchipism, Anti-Social Network, Anti-Anarchism.


Notchism is a political ideology and political movement inspired by Markus Persson, also known as Notch, notchism is characterized as being a current of democratic socialism and social democracy, arguing that the country's architecture and urbanism should be inspired by minecraft , as well as all buildings and constructions must follow an architectural model inspired by minecraft. In the social and economic question, notchism defends the implantation of democratic socialism, so that people should work in cooperatives of entrepreneurs in order to guarantee people's work and that people can work freely and with good working conditions. . On the issue of resources, notchism defends the distribution of resources to all, without placing them in the hands of a few or the state, creating cooperatives for the distribution of resources to all people, with the defense of the materialization economy, thus to ensure that everyone has resources for everyone. In terms of technology, notchis


Equalism is a political theory that advocates the union of all political, social and economic classes in order to improve the human condition, life on Earth and Earth. Equalism defends the union of all political and economic systems, mainly socialism, communism and capitalism, in order to correct their errors. As well as the union of transhumanism with extraphysicism in order to improve the human condition quickly and efficiently. The union of all religious systems, transcending dogmas and theologies, with the aim of achieving true spiritual evolution, and also the union between materialism and spiritualism, ending the disputes between the two and showing as much materialism when the spiritualism can complement each other, such as the case of dialectical / historical materialism with dialectical / historical spiritualism.

Gulash Communism

Gulash communism, also known as kadarism, is a strand of communism, created by János Kádár, characterized by defending the free market and human rights, with the aim of increasing the quality of life along with economic reforms.


Totalism is a political current, characterized by defending a totalitarian and centralized state as a way of reaching socialism and communism. Totalism originated in the Kaiserreich, HoI4 mod where the Central Powers win the first world war. Totalism is also characterized by defending a centralized economy in the hands of the state and nationalism as a way to avoid the influence of other countries and to strengthen the implantation of socialism / communism via totalism.

Utopian Neosocialism

Utopian Neosocialism or Zizekism is a political current that is based on the thoughts of the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek, believing that there is a need for ethics to return to the main premise of Left doctrines, believing that Utopia will finally emerge and that ( (ideology)) ends, it is characterized by being Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Ideology, Anti-Party, Anti-Nationalism, Anti-Fascism. ((Ideology)) is how Slavoj Žižek uses it to refer to things influenced by capitalism.

Anti-Capitalist Right

Anti-Capitalist Right is a political movement formed by Anarcho-liberals who claim to be Anti-Capitalist (considering the original definition of Capitalism), they are characterized by being Anti-State, Anti-Communism, Anti-Neoliberalism, Anti-Fascism, Anti-Nationalism , they support an Anarcoliberal society with political fusionism among doctrines that defend the free market (Mutualism, Corporatism, Classic Liberalism, Agorism).


Monteirism, also known as monteirianism, mounterism and as mounteirianism, is a Trotskyist sub-ideology that defends the creation of a socialist model for empaths, psychics and sensitives, also known as gods trapped in mortal bodies, using historical / dialectical spiritualism as a base. Also defending that gods trapped in mortal bodies seek help from their fellow gods who are on the extraphysical plane so that they help to implant socialism and communism in the physical world, freeing the workers and the incarnated gods from capitalism and materialism. Monteirism also defends the union of the gods of all  religions, except the Abrahamic god, who in Monteirism is considered to be the deceiver / demiurge, for the implantation of Monteirism and the true spiritual evolution of the workers and of all, freeing themselves from their mortal bodies and reach the extraphysical plane.


Arevalism, also known as Guatemalan spiritual socialism, refers to the political philosophy of former Guatelama president, Juan José Arévalo. Arevalism is characterized by defending people's moral development in order to free themselves psychologically and spiritually, through secular spirituality and moral development.

Biological Posadism

Biological posadism is a current of posadism that argues that the best way to implant posadism is through epidemics (pandemics), arguing that the cure should be distributed to people only when the capitalist system is completely overthrown by the epidemic (pandemic) and that after the cure, socialism must be implanted in all countries, in biological posadism the cure must be distributed only to communists, socialists and leftists. Rightists, capitalists, fascists, neoliberals, opportunists and centrists must not be cured and die because of the pandemic, as a way of ensuring that socialism does not end after the cure of the pandemic.