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National Positivism

National-positivism, also known as positivist nationalism or even as positivist fascism, is a term coined by William Ariel Mounter to refer to fascists and nationalists who are "nationalist in words and positivist in deeds". It is a term that consists of saying that it is nationalistic and fighting against internal and external threats, but being held hostage by the international scientific community, as well as transhumanism and international science. As well as denying any form of spirituality or extraphysical / metaphysical, but still, claiming to be religious, mainly related to Christianity, more specifically to Catholicism. National-positivism is a very common ideology among nationalists and fascists on Facebook and VK. There is also the left side, which is social-positivism, which consists of "socialist in words and positivist in deeds", which is like national-positivism, only on the left, however, the same usually does not have religion in the middle .
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Anunnaki Model

The Anunnaki Model, also known as Anunnaki Self-Management, Anunnaki Self-Management Model, Anunnaki Mounterism, Anunnaki Monteirism, Anumounterism, Anumonteirism, Kurism or Kurianism, is the name of a supposed organization model that Anunnaki used and use, which is the union of the Anunnaki economy and the anunnaki organizational system. On the economic issue, the Anunnaki model defends the self-sufficiency of each world and the self-management of each world, where resources can be shared mutually and without the existence of money, replacing private property with the concept of administration. If you have money, money should be used in order to benefit as many people as possible, avoiding concentration of income as much as possible. And on the political issue, the Anunnaki model is characterized by having full management of all means of production and all resources, except personal property (such as temples and addresses), where an Anunnaki family is assigned to manage that region, w

Fully Automated Luxury Mutualism

  Fully automated luxury mutualism is an aspect of mutualism that advocates full automation of the economy, where cooperatives are fully socialized and self-management is fully socialized. All workers and individuals work together to automate the economy, receiving resources and technologies according to their needs and capacities. Transhumanism, geneticism and extraphysicism are united and there is a presence of the materialization economy together with the total automation of the economy.


  Monarcho-socialism, also known as monarchical socialism, is a socialist tendency that unites socialism with monarchism, where a socialist state that is of a monarchist character is possible, where the royal family is responsible for guaranteeing the socialist state. In monarcosocialism the economy is socialized, and the royal family is entitled to 25-49% of the cooperatives of the socialist nation. The most famous subcurrent of monarcho-socialism is monarcho-monteirism, where mythical monarchy is concerned, a form of monarchy where the royal family must be a mythical family and still have some physical or spiritual-mythical connection with the mythical nation.


Evolvianism is a social movement created by William Ariel Mounter, which aims to create a society and a world as similar as possible to highly evolved beings, looking for the evolution of humanity and myths to become highly evolved beings. Evolvianism is characterized by the defense of extracience, of extraphysicism, of the defense of the total socialization of the economy, of the substitution of private property for the concept of administration and for defending an extremely empathic and sensitive society.


Mesopotamism, also known as Mesopotamianism or Mesopotamicism, is a political movement that defends the self-determination of Mesopotamian peoples, as well as the restoration of their culture, defending the creation of a Mesopotamian state in the region of ancient Mesopotamia, completely involving the territories of the Iraq and Kuwait. Mesopotamism is also characterized by defending the restoration of the culture and language of the ancient Mesopotamian peoples, with the presence of the creation of a unique Mesopotamian language, and there being a part of Mesopotamism that advocates the creation of a unique Mesopotamian culture in order to avoid rivalries, in addition to creating a unique Mesopotamian identity. In the religious question, Mesopotamism is characterized by defending the restoration of the cult to the Mesopotamian gods, but it is not mandatory to worship them, in addition to defending secular spiritualism and the spiritualization of people.

Ancap Conservatism

Ancap conservatism, also known as conservative anarcho-capitalism, is a political movement that is characterized by being anarcho-capitalist in the economy and conservative in customs, defending the end of state intervention in the economy, with currents that defend the end of the state and currents that defend the maintenance of the state in order to guarantee the preservation of culture and customs, ancap conservatism is also characterized by defending that companies and corporations can do whatever they want, as long as they do not affect customs, the whole country being the property of corporations, and corporations can use the state to their advantage.